Talking back with disrespect
Thinking it makes them grown
After a while, there is no child
Because now they’re on their own
I need her to pray with me
Morning noon and night
So that our kids embrace life
And symbolize what’s wrong and right
I saw a little boy in school one day
He seemed troubled and distraught
I asked if he had a dad at home
He’s in jail because, he got caught
Time 2
MANning Up
Jasper “Mr. HORSE” Manning shares his poetry collection that promotes self-reflection on various facets of life as a father, a husband, a working man, and a Christian.
His experiences deal with life, love, and Christ. The inspirational book aims to entertain those who understand and embrace the passion of tradition and thought-provoking daily life lessons through Earlism. The book touches on traditional values like how to treat women and the necessary notes to take for the providers of the family.
With many distractions in society, he aims to counteract depression. He also desires to convey that chivalrous acts are still appreciated to this day. The poems in Time 2 MANning Up offer men an opportunity to reflect on their own personal experiences and the decisions they make in their daily lives.

is Broken
Book Description: America is built on the foundation of RACISM and protest. Some people don’t understand what it is like to always be on guard. I would like to share with the rest of the world some of the things that I have experienced in regards to my son’s military career, teaching, students, marriages, and personal walks as a man of God. After the world takes the time to embrace the experiences that I have, It will give them an opportunity to rethink some of their actions, embrace their relationships with their significant others, family members, and people in general. There is also some light hearted poetry that I hope will put a smile on your face and warmth in your heart. Thank you in advance for allowing me the opportunity to share my experiences with you.

Time 4 Healing:
Make it Make Sense
A collection of poems to channel uncomfortable conversations… that will allow for healing so that as Americans we can move forward from a history of lies orchestrated by systemic supremacy. With these conversations about racism, family values, education, marriage, friendships and other awakening moments, our country can move forward to a more powerful and prosperous United States of America where freedom holds the true meaning of freedom for all Americans and those who wish to be.